Verbs الأفعال
الأفعال نوعين1-transitiveفعل متعدي يتبعه مفعول بهRaise! Raised! Raised The man raised his head.
Set! Set! SetI will set the book on the table.
Lay! Laid! LaidHe laid the book on the desk.
Hang! Hung! HungI hung my clothes in the closest.
Hang! Hanged! HangedThey hanged the criminal by the neck until he died.
2-intransitiveفعل لازم لا يتبعه مفعول بهRise! Rose! RisenThe sun rises in the east.
Sit! Sat! SatI sit in the front row.
Lie! Lay! LainHe is lying in bed.